Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hi, first post

Hi, this will be the first post im gg to type up on this new bblogspot. Seriously speaking, i dont know how long can i mantian this private blogspot because I'm really a fickle minded person that lose interest in things in the fastest way u can imagine. hahah. anyway, im here because i can feel myself gg downhill and i dont want that to happen. so im here to pen down all these frustrations and thoughts so that i can have a clean start tomorrow when i wake up. all these times when i want to change and be a better person, i always realised how im always being pulled back by my flaws. how can i stop thinking so much and start trusting the good in human society?? all these insecurities and problems are eating me up. and i dont want that to happen. i know we will all face problems in the future so all i want is a way to overcome them and come out as a stronger person. okay i know im not really making sense anymore. so shall continue typing again when i sort out my thoughts. till then, goodbye!